Monday, April 30, 2007

Neighborhood Watch

My husband is the neighborhood watch, but the neighborhood doesn't know it.

Scott likes to just sit on the couch by the front window and watch. Watch what? Anything and everything. Apparently we have a pretty "active" neighborhood.

There are often cop cars in the parking lot by our house (sometimes pulling people over, other times just waiting for the opportunity). Scott thinks this is something that needs watching.

If we hear something outside, not necessarily suspicious, he is at the window to see what it is.

If a storm rolls in, the curtains are pulled open to "watch" it. This is what is happening tonight. A huge thunder rumbled through - open went the curtains and he assumed his perch.

I often give him a hard time about this habit, and he doesn't understand why I think it is so funny. There is just something about a person having to know what is going on all of the time, and for it to be a guy is just makes it funnier. (more funny?)

I think that he is passing this on to Henry too. Henry loves to sit by the window and watch the cars go by. He is too young for the commentary that usually goes with it, but I'm sure that will come with time...and the proper training.

1 comment:

Janna said...

If we lived in the same neighborhood I could wave out my window to your husband. I'm the unofficial neighborhood watch in my area too. One would think that the police station nearby would make my services unnecessary. :)