Monday, October 22, 2007

Pop Anyone?

Every Monday morning is similar at our house. We wake up, find juice and Mr. Rogers, have breakfast and then attempt to clean up from the weekend. This last part usually means that Henry has freedom while I quickly pick up the old messes while he makes new ones.

This morning he found the box of pop that was on deck to go into the fridge. Since he couldn't get that door open he found the next best thing in his mind.

Henry was pretty proud of himself too. He seems to have this thing lately for setting everything on the toliet. I think that it is because the "table" is just his height.

I'll just have to remember to warn Scott of the cans that had some rough handling.


Janna said...

Hmmm...I think if you ever offer me a can of pop, I may ask for lemonade. I love that he invented a table for himself. He looks so proud!

Sonny Huisman said...

I'm noticing that there's no toilet paper on the roll in that second picture . . . hmmmm.

Angie said...

Yes, if the bathroom door is not closed the paper is stored on the back of the toliet. Henry cannot quite reach it there. If it is on the roll he quickly unrolls it too the floor.