Thursday, October 11, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Sonny tagged me to list things about myself that start with the letters of my middle name. My middle name is Rose, so:

R - Random. You may have already noticed this by the things I post on the blog. Scott sometimes has a hard time keeping up with me because I change topics so often. Luckily my mom and sister are used to me, so I'm not alone in this (they have their moments of random too).

O - Organized. This is true in most areas of my life. I am known for this at work, but am slightly lacking at home. I working on this though, slowly.

S - Spacially Challenged. This is related to two areas of my life. I can never gauge how big of a container to grab for the leftovers. Nine times out of ten I have a tupperware that is twice the size of the food. Also, I am still working on how to get my van into a parking spot without being crooked or futher to one side that the other.

E - Easy Going. This is something that I am not. I am trying to be more laid back and to be someone who "goes with the flow". This is hard for me as I am a planner and tend to get worked up very easily. I feel as though I am attempting the impossible with this one.

The other part of being tagged is that you tag more people, as many as the letters of your middle name. There aren't a lot of bloggers that I know left who haven't been tagged, so...I'm tagging some non-bloggers that I know read this. Brenda, Rachel, Aunt Joan and Mom - you can leave your "tags" in the comments.


Anonymous said...

hi angie-
it's so fun reading everyone's blogs... i really should start one. fun seeing all the cute pics of the kids and seeing all the cute things the do.

ok... my middle name is Jo.

J... Juggler. some days I have so much going on that i'm amazed when even half of it gets done. between work, church, family, friends, housework, and trying to find a few minutes to catch up on blogs... i'm exhausted :)

O... Outdoor girl. I love being outside... from reading a magazine in the sun (during austin's naptime) to bike rides, walks and mornings at the park... I love the outdoors. I also like camping... but we don't get to do it as often as I would like. Looking forward to some bonfires and jumping in the leaves with austin.

that's me :)
ps- keep the cute pics coming. they are adorable :)

Sonny Huisman said...

Isn't it cheating to have a middle name with only two letters?

Sonny Huisman said...

I love the idea of tagging none bloggers . . . good thinking Angie!

I laughed outloud when I read your spacially challenged comment . . . I have struggled with the same thing . . . but am getting better!