Monday, January 28, 2008

An Up and Down Day

We have finally come to the end of a long day.

This morning started out great. Henry and I enjoyed waking up and hanging out in our bed. He slept in until Curious George was on, his favorite. Henry loves to get his pajamas off and rub his toes on the sheets. This morning he was full of giggles too.

We took off to Meijer and when we got home the good day went down hill. When we got out of the van Henry still wanted his blanket, but I had already started to shut the door. I think the rest is self-explanatory. A trip to the doctor, the hospital for x-rays, a dose of motrin, three stitches and many tears later we ended up back at home. Henry was exhausted. Thankfully no broken bones and a long nap for a brave little boy.

Tonight things got better again. Henry had his first haircut! He watched Scott have his trimmed and then took his turn in the chair. He wasn't so sure the whole time, but did good over all.

Thanks Leigh for doing such a great job!


Janna said...

Poor baby! His haircut look cute, though!

Patti said...

WHAT a DAY! First stitches (?) AND first haircut! Whew...what a trooper!