I picked Henry up from Olivia’s yesterday and he had slept 4 ½ hours in the afternoon. He of course was not tired at bedtime. I figured this would be the case, so we played later than normal and even threw in a bath.
Olivia came over at the end of the bath, so Henry started on his “Look at me” routine. He also felt that pajamas were not necessary after the bath. I was only able to get his shirt on. He wasn’t pleased.
Then the zurberting began. Henry thought that was great. He kept asking for it “again!” By the end he would pull up his shirt and just stand next to Olivia until she did it on his belly.
After saying goodbye to Aunt Olivia, Henry ran into the living room, turned on two different musical toys and then proceeded to dance around the living room for the next 10 minutes. It looked funny from the inside and Olivia confirmed it was just as good from outside.
Needless to say sleep did not come easily.