This is the chair that sits on the floor.
This is the cup, that sits on the chair, that sits on the floor.
This is the boy that throws the cup from the chair onto the floor!
My name is Henry and I have a problem.
I like to throw my cup onto the floor when I have finished drinking from it. Sometimes I even look like I want to drink from it so that an unknowing accomplice will hand me the cup to quench my thrist. I then take a half of a sip and throw it to its demise.
My latest approach is to throw the cup to the floor and then say "UH-OH" as if it were an accident, or should I say "accident"?
I thought that this would lessen the hostile stares my parents give me, but it hasn't. They have tried time-outs, ignoring me and even slapping my hand once.
I am too stubborn though, I will not be broken.