For those of you that know me, and I mean really know me, you know that I like to talk…a lot.
On Saturday Scott and I were enjoying a few moments of quiet while the kids were napping. I thought that this would be a good time to discuss a few things together. I thought this because it is often hard to talk when the kids are around. Many times I will attempt to discuss something with Scott or tell him something when we get home from work but then there is no response, until I stop talking and receive the “I was listening!”
So, back to Saturday…After talking (me talking, Scott “listening”) for awhile I stopped and asked if he had anything he wanted to talk about.
Scott: No, I think that you should take a break for awhile.
Me: Why? Am I talking too much for you?
Scott: You just go from one thing to another without stopping. And when you talk for 10 minutes on something that could have been done in two it is hard to focus the whole time.
The next comment was my favorite. I don’t remember the exact phrasing, but it was something like this:
I thought the horse was already dead, but apparently you didn’t think so.So to all of you out there that have had to listen to my ramblings,
my apologies…for beating the dead horse.
And obviously talking it to death in the first place.